DAY 1 : Things that make me Happy .

I have a new name for myself.

 Ms Lazybones.

 I am so lousy , so lazy and yet so pretty ^-^ . ( lame as well ? 😛 )

This blog has been around , waiting for me to update it and I  am all like, No, Not today. For days and weeks.
So  for the sake of you, My Peppynoytes, I take up a challenge.

The 30 Day writing challenge.  b1

I am going to blog.
Random things.
About me.
About life.
About us 🙂

And today its going to be the 10 THINGS THAT MAKE ME REALLY HAPPY.

This looks so easy ans simple to list. But do you realise the amount of pain I had to go through when I was striking off some points “ that could not make it to the list”??? Oh boy! Do you ?

So well with a hand on my heart and a billion dollar smile on my face , lets get started

1. Home made food.  b3
To understand why this is on number 1 , you would have to be either a hosteller or a corporate victim , who survives on McD and Dominos for 4 out of 7 days a week . 😦
My plate may not be served with all those luxurious and impossible- to- pronounce dishes.Just  Plain, pure, boring food made by my mom . Dal Chawal , if you must.
I will relish that  to the last bite. OM NOM NOM all the way!

Anytime. Anywhere. Anyone .( Okay, not every one actually :P) . Anything. I love to chatter away all the time. Never too lazy for that . 😀
You will listen me blabber about my life. Your crush. SRK’s movies .The new restaurant.Lilly singh. Pretty much anything.

3.New clothes.
Crisp. Clean. Pretty clothes. Its like I don’t even need any accessories the first time I wear a new dress. I have  a 100 watt smile pasted across my face. 😀

4. Reading. Old books.b5
Like the really old –rusty –brown paged books.  I  am not a kindle person  by choice.  The feeling when you hold a book and curl up in your bed , its beyond my capability to describe in words. And their smell? Oh My God!  It drives me crazy. I feel like it even turns me on! 😉

5. Helping Friends.
I feel so satisfied when I am of use to my friends. Whether its giving advices, listening to their troubles or even giving my notes.
Yeah I also feel happy when I help them pass a test, but can’t say it in public with so many judge-y eyes looking at me “ That’s not what a friend would do!”. Yes. But exam time  is not the time to  preach. Just tell the answers . 😛 😛 .

6.Writing . b8
Of course. This HAD to be on the list. Framing sentences with just the right choice of words to describe exactly what you are feeling. That’s an achievement. And the pleasure is all mine *-*.
But i don’t like typing . So you see, that’s how it all gets delayed 😀
Give me a pen and paper. All my notebooks have my many  masterpieces jotted down in them . 😛

7.Afternoon naps.C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_32027e2f714e06ff5ff305ec7a34db38
When the sun is displaying all its might and you shut the drapes, drink a glass of cool water , close your eyes and just get lost in the magical word of “Sleep”. Nothing calms me down more than this. I don’t even realise what day or century it is sometimes when I wake up . Oh yes.  I  am back to reality again .    -_-

8.The October weather.
The clear bright sky. Cool breezes. The nature at its best , if you ask me. Its not biting cold. Its not burning hot. Neither is it still and dull.  Its just perfect. I am at my peppiest and happiest best in Octobers.

“Outside, a gusty October breeze was combing leaves from the trees and sending them across her backyard in colorful skitters.”

Stephen King, Full Dark, No Stars

With the entire world wishing me to be happy on that day , can I help not being THE HAPPIEST this day?  Oh I love the attention , the wishes  and of course the gifts that I receive .  I am on top of the world on the 6th of july . ( You see what I did there ? ;). Yes wish me this year 😛 ).
And I feel like I must mention here , that it’s the entire concept of birthdays that make me happy.  Who was the great person  to have thought of it!  I feel like it would be a woman. Am I too sexist ? 😛 . But guys  are just so normal even on birthdays! :P.
Everything looks so beautiful and decorated. then there is that delicious fancy cake 😀

okay . I may come across as insane, but there is this one thing that literally makes me so happy , I feel like blessing anyone who comes across.
 You see, with the sweet blood I have, a lot and believe me A LOT of mosquitoes bite me. Specially on my feet.  NO! THIS DOESN’T MAKE ME HAPPY!!.
But when I pour ice cold , chilly water on these bites, it’s a heavenly feeling altogether. And no, don’t put your feet under the tap. Don’t ruin it. Slowly  and slowly. Drop by drop . Treasure the pleasure ,mate!

There I did it.  10 things 😀
Lets see what tomorrow brings . ❤

11 responses to “DAY 1 : Things that make me Happy .”

  1. Phew! Some list that is!
    And the mosquitoes one is the queerest thing i have ever come across on the web.
    To the weird in us😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hope that he starts buying books for u to give u after 15-20 yrs… u know what i mean… right 😛 3:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. i hope someday you give me something too….:P


      1. sure… why not 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s a nice post you have there. Good to know that we have something in common. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ^.^ keep reading 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. debbiestudios2 Avatar

    Nice post….I must confess those where also my top nine…except talking☺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. :). Keep reading and sharing, we may find many other similarities too 😀


  5. Oh, such a cute list !! My list is somehow same like to yours ..:D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😀 . Nice to know there are people out there like me 🙂 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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